While most of “Velvet: The Travelling Tuna Tapestry” is resting and being mended by loving hands at her home lake of Rotoiti before she heads to Wellington for her trip to Te Papa and Parliament, 30 metres (including her head and tail) are currently on display at the North Otago Museum in Oamaru.
Our old eel is still looking good at the end of her S. Is. heke.
Thanks to Chloe Searle, curator for collections and exhibitions at the museum, and her crew, South Islanders are getting one last look at Velvet before she heads to Wellie in January.
And, check out one of the newer panels here… lovely stylized images!
Chloe is also working with one of her museum volunteers and kids to make a new section for South Otago and here it is!
Be sure to visit the museum’s FaceBook page.
Thanks Chloe and All!