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verb /kod’ ә wom pәl/
To travel purposefully towards a vague destination.

Chica Jo
Dec 26, 202423 min read
Douchebaggery & Dancing Sea Slugs - An Absurdist Yarn
Here’s a riddle for you: Besides existing in a marine environment, what do a Mexican, dancing, marine slug and our sailing trimaran. . .
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Chica Jo
Oct 7, 202422 min read
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? - Symbiosis and Our Selves
Note: I wrote the rough draft of this piece in real time, as it was happening, so the twists at the end were a surprise even to me! As a...
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Chica Jo
Aug 15, 202420 min read
Salsipuedes (Leave If You Can): On Boobs, Bioluminescence, and ADHD
Yeah, I figured I’d get your attention with “boobs”. Call it bait if you want, because it hooked ya. But there will be boobs so keep the...
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Chica Jo
May 1, 202418 min read
Authenticity - The Littlest Deer
I’m about to break a promise I made to my dad over thirty years ago by telling you a story. Technically, he made me promise not to tell...
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Chica Jo
Feb 16, 202427 min read
Relinquishment - In Three Acts
Dedicated to my fellow sailing mermaid, Anina, who encouraged our work from the get-go and ignited the spark in us all even as her own...
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Chica Jo
Dec 12, 202321 min read
Deep Trust: A Leviathan Task
Foreword/Forewarned: Before I get into this Nantucket-sleigh-ride of events, let me say that Paul really put himself out there by...
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Chica Jo
Oct 5, 202314 min read
The Resurrection or YES to Vaginas*
Question: What happens when you try to scuba dive while wearing an adult diaper? Answer: I’ll tell you all about it, but first you need...
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Chica Jo
Aug 20, 202323 min read
Mothers' Day: The Exorcism
For Hong So. When you were last with me I was on my Virginia-back-to-Baja flight feeling more whole after an old friend helped me...
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Chica Jo
Jun 20, 202316 min read
What Am I? Part 1: Easter
It all started with a disturbing call from a cherished, childhood friend on Easter Sunday. She was in a Virginia hell-scape while Paul...
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Chica Jo
Apr 15, 202314 min read
An Odd Couple
Well this one’s been a real hum-dinger of a shell to crack. Like non-sequiturs? If you’re in possession of a penis (meaning one is...
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Chica Jo
Feb 18, 202312 min read
TnTnT: Testosterone Tequila and TruckNuts
Which of us would YOU rather face in a dark, back eddy? The one on the left is an angry bull sea lion. The one on the right is,...
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Chica Jo
Jan 14, 20238 min read
Inconceivable? That does mean what you think it means.
Almost 2 years. That's how long it's been since we've heard from Paul. It's not that he's been slacking. He's actually been working on...
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Chica Jo
Dec 2, 202210 min read
Mid-Age Mutant Ninja Hurdles (Really, Jo?)
Unless you identify as female, or have a female partner, mother, sister, daughter, or close female friend you probably don’t want to read...
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Chica Jo
Sep 23, 202210 min read
Re-Imagining the Universe *
Disclaimer: Paul just read this piece and said I sound like a coked-up lunatic. I’ve never used cocaine so I don’t know how he’d know...
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Chica Jo
Jul 18, 202210 min read
FEAR: Getting Bullied
See if you can guess my common denominator in this list: Depression, sharks, heights, visual disarray, cancer, car accidents, loss of my...
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Chica Jo
Jun 5, 20228 min read
Bullseye Electric Ray: A Real Shocker
You know those rare dreams you wake from and can’t shake off because you know, you just KNOW, that your subconscious was trying to tell...
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Chica Jo
Apr 27, 20228 min read
A Terrible Place - Part 2 - Out of the Blue
As another sunset approached our anchorage at super-wild Isla San Pedro Mártir, and the birds began to return to their roosts for the...
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Chica Jo
Apr 20, 20228 min read
A Terrible Place: Part 1 - Into the Blue
terrible (adj.): late 14c., "causing terror, awe, or dread; frightful," from Old French terrible (12c.), from Latin terribilis...
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Chica Jo
Mar 24, 20228 min read
The Monkey on My Back
I swear, I was just minding my own business, doing my early-morning, power swim around a rocky point off the Seri people’s now...
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Chica Jo
Feb 1, 202210 min read
The Troll
Do you remember the children’s story, The Three Billy Goats Gruff? Basically, three goats are longing to feast in the greener grass on...
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