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  • Writer's pictureChica Jo

Jaguar Crosses University of Arizona Campus

This past Saturday was a gorgeous late-spring day in the Old Pueblo.  A fine day for Arizona State Museum’s “Culture Craft Saturday” that ran in conjunction with the U of A’s “Teacher Day”.  Thanks to Lisa Falk, Education Director at ASM, we had about 20 volunteers to help carry the growing tapestry from Flandrau to ASM.  Also present were a handful of reliable Defenders of Wildlife jaguar “handlers”.  Thanks to all of you for the chance to let random folks on campus be surprised at a crazy-long cat.  Also, a number of local teachers became interested in Defenders’ work and some are going to have their schools make new panels for Sewing Spots Together.  Big appreciation goes to Northern Jaguar Project’s Craig Miller and his family for setting up the booth and talking to visitors there all day.

Special attention was given to one particular panel due to Save the Frogs Day.

 And, happily, just recently some Arizona lands have been preserved to help our endangered Chiricahua Leopard Frogs.

One of the many booths that joined us nearby were the Seri artisans who were displaying and selling their finely crafted baskets and jewelry all made from natural materials that reflect their continued and deep connection to the Sea of Cortez and the land of Sonora, Mexico.

If I figure out how to use my Droid I’ll post a couple of the photos I took before we began our cross-campus trek.

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