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Give this young sea lion a second chance at life and stop her suffering.


As tough as this photo is to look at, consider multiplying her by 50. That’s about how many sea lions were entangled in fishing net or line were counted by our CRRIFS partners in a recent single day at just one small Sea of Cortez island. How do we help? We provide a safe and efficient live-aboard and work platform for the disentanglement team and we roll up our sleeves to help sneak up on, subdue, and restrain the animals to remove these life-choking lines. And it’s not just sea lions but also dolphins, whales, and birds that we go out of our way to help rescue, often on our own when it is feasible. We even help other boaters learn what to do when they find entangled marine life.

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10980 N Rudasill Rd
Tucson, AZ 85743 USA

+1 520 904-2364

Project Triplefin is supported by The Biodiversity Group, a US 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Unless noted, all content on this site is copyrighted 2023 by Paul S. Hamilton, Stephanie Jo Bowman, or Triplefin Expeditions.

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